Thursday, May 14, 2015

Society vs. Christianity

I've been reading all these different articles and researching why people seem to avoid and steer clear of Christians. And as I'm reading all of these things I'm thinking to myself, "Really?" 

It just blew my mind. First off, there's just too much friction between Atheists and Christians in the world today. You just can't have a civil conversation about beliefs, it will most likely take a turn for the worst if their mind is already made up, and that's fine. But what about those who are curious, and may even be a Christian, but think that some other Christians are being over the top? 

You want the truth? - 

We are not born with hate in our hearts for people, someone else instills it in us. Somewhere along the way, you've been told or have had a conversation about Christianity in a negative sense. And if it stuck with you and you're on the fence about Christianity, you're on the fence about God altogether. But this is not something new, Jesus himself offended the elders, Chief Priests and Pharisees all the time. You want to know why? Because I feel their hearts were never in the right place to understand Him. We can't change what is written in The Word. The Bible calls us to make disciples of all nations, and with that responsibility comes speaking the truth. And if you take the Bible out of context and twists the words, God will know (Matt. 5:17-19, 2 Tim. 4:2-4). If the Bible offends you, there's something wrong with your heart. Jeremiah 17:9 states, "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Christians are being condemned more and more everyday, (Bible predicts it) because we say one thing about following the Bible and we're automatically considered hypocrites and hateful. We are being hunted by Isis for crying out loud! Who in this country wants to be associated with that? People just don't want to believe Christians do any good to this world but bring judgement. Everywhere we look today there is hate. Even if that's not your intention, someone might put that label on you. Biblically speaking, our whole culture is corrupt. Actually if we want to get real, the world has always been corrupt.

How To Deal

The truth is, you can't lead someone that doesn't want to be led. All you can do is pray. Pray for hearts to be softened toward us. Pray for them to not misunderstand you and The Word. If you hold more conviction for certain things, be sure to obey what God has shown you. It shouldn't be classified as hate unless you're purposely trying to entice someone or hurt their feelings. Retaliation is also something we get caught up in, I know I have. You shouldn't retaliate, it should stay between you and God. God knows your heart, and if it wasn't your intention to come across as mean, then He knows.

Stand on The Word of God for everything. Everything you could possibly need for proof and evidence that God is real is in the Bible. Every problem you're facing there is a solution for in The Word. There are men and women that you can actually relate to, that's what their stories are there for. To guide us with love in our hearts and guard us with knowledge in our minds.

With Love,

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