Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Do Not Fear


I'm so excited to finally start a new series! Especially one like this one. I've been feeling a change coming on, not only for our family, but also in our churches. We are really starting to rise up, so this seemed fitting. So I'm going to start this out with some quotes to get us inspired:

"To be right with God has often meant to be in trouble with men." -AW Tozer

"God uses rescued people to rescue people." -Christine Caine

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein

"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." -George Washington

"The devil doesn't know what to do with somebody who just won't give up." -Anonymous 

You're probably wondering why I'm quoting people and not the Bible. Sometimes we need extra reassurance from other human beings like us, who have been where we are, to help us continue our journey of courage.

In the Bible, John the apostle is one of my favorite men. When you begin to read the first words he wrote in the Gospel, you can tell his character and personality is genuine, honest and humble. He truly loved Jesus and would've done anything asked of him. It really rattles my soul that there are people who think The Word of God is a bunch of men making up stories... Did you know that some of the things that are said in the Bible as "still there to this day", you can still go see in Israel? I took an art history class in college, and our professor showed us John the Baptist's head (he was beheaded while in prison) and where they still keep it today, kind of creepy. King James believed 100 percent in the books of the Bible, that's why he picked most of them. Hence the King James version. Our founding fathers believed 100 percent, hence our Christian foundation. Believing that we just magically appeared here from an explosion is logical? Aren't explosions supposed to kill things not create millions of different species of every kind? This is probably why these things are only theories. Some of the smartest men who lived even acknowledged that their had to be a higher creator. I know it's silly to get worked up about it, but is it? We're letting our brothers and sisters walk by and live their lives, but we're keeping our mouths shut because we're afraid people won't like us anymore? We're afraid we won't be as popular? To be honest, we're mostly afraid of losing friends.

I experienced rejection for the first time recently, it doesn't feel good. I had no idea I'd take it as well as I did. Genuinely believing in God and growing in your faith changes you from the inside out. The more you get to know God the more conviction you hold. I guess that's why it was easy for me to handle harsh words and negativity. I know that this world is temporary and I'm going to blink my eyes and my life will almost be over. I am not willing to risk my chance of going to Heaven for anything. You have to constantly keep asking yourself, is this worth it? Does God really want this for me?

I remember when I was in grade school my mom used to tell me that I needed new friends, and I always told her, "I know you might be right but I might be the only light they will ever see." I can say that I really did try. There is a difference in trying to talk to someone who wants to understand Christianity and learn more, and talking to someone who doesn't care to hear it at all. Why is it that we want to ignore the parts of the Bible we don't want to believe, but go with all the parts we agree with? That's just not how it works.

Getting someone to Christ takes heart and patience. You have to let them know God loves all his children and wants them to know Him intimately. Then comes the education of repentance through teachers. That's why the church and fellowship with other Christians is crucial. There are some people who don't feel convicted over certain areas because they may not know in depth yet. But when God shows them the right way, they should take it seriously. God knows your heart. He is not an angry God. So many people get the wrong impression because they think Christians are nothing but judgmental. That we would never help someone that had an abortion or that's in a same sex relationship. That's not true, but if you're purposely enticing someone out of hate, of course we should stand up for our beliefs. If we as adults don't take a stand against someone being hateful, how are our young people going to know that they too should stand? Instead there are so many of our young adults who are saying, "I'm not going to take sides." Are you really willing to risk that attitude? 

Read your Bible for yourself. The Old Testament and the New. Don't ever take someone else's word for it. Live by it. 

"The devil doesn't care if you read your Bible or go to church, as long as you don't apply it to your life."

"Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." -2 Timothy 2:21

With Love,

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