Monday, October 13, 2014

Sweet Sundays

The weekends for us is all about family time, and to fill you in on why we're so devoted to this routine right now is because Matt works from 9am to 7pm, Monday-Friday. So he only gets a few hours with Levi before bedtime during the week. But he's off Saturday and Sunday so we really try to let Levi spend as much time with his Daddy as we can.

However, this weekend has been a dreary and rainy one. Matthew had a wedding rehearsal Friday night and then the wedding to follow Saturday night. Levi and I didn't go because I didn't want to make him sit through a wedding ceremony, he has never sat through anything quietly. Plus the wedding started at 3pm and that's just around his nap time. Matthew said everyone asked about us and where we were, and it kind of makes me feel like I'm obligated for us to go everywhere as a family, but sometimes I wonder if they've forgotten what it's like to have an infant. Maybe they remember and just don't care because they have a bunch of their family there to take turns holding them and shushing them. But it would've been just me, sitting in the pew, with a crying squirming baby, making everyone stare at us like we're aliens. It just didn't seem like the realistic thing to do. Maybe that's just me. On the upside, we had planned for Matthew to skip the reception so he could come home and get some time in with me and Levi. Also Matthew always complains that he never likes going by himself and being alone at big functions like that, plus he really wanted to watch the A&M game.

But today Matthew woke up sick and had to stay in bed most of the day, so that put another little dent in our schedule. And I usually send Matthew to the supermarket on Sundays to do the weekly grocery shopping because he gets it done a lot faster than I do. Probably because I'm like a squirrel in places like that, I love to look at everything and also because I'll end up spending more money than I should. Needless to say, I had to go today. So when I left the house I was in a hurry because I also had to get Matthews tux he rented from the night before back to the store on time, and I barely made it because I forgot everything closes early on Sundays. But when I had left the house I forgot to check my phone to see how much charge it had because I told Matthew to send me a text of what all he needed at the store. So after dropping off the tux, I got to the supermarket and of course my phone was dead. I started to freak out at first and thought I'd have to wing it and get what I thought he might want, but then it came to my blonde mind (while I was still sitting in the car, thankfully) that they sold car chargers inside, duh. Of course I ran in as fast as I could and bought one real quick, then ran back out to plug it in so I could memorize his text of what all he wanted. But being the supermom that I am (not), I got it all done and was back home in time to feed the baby dinner.

While we were watching the A&M game Saturday night

And I have to say I've loved the rain we've been getting these past few days. I just love rain in general. However, we are currently under a tornado watch as I'm typing this, so I'm about to jump out of my skin and probably won't be able to sleep at all tonight.

In spite of everything being on the crazy side this weekend, I still love everything about Sundays. Especially spending time with my Savior. In the midst of trying to get everything accomplished today, on my way to the grocery store I heard the song "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" by Hillsong United come on the Christian station, and it was so beautiful to me in that moment that I literally started to cry. It was like my God was trying to tell me to slow down and just be thankful and worship. And I did.

I am so grateful that having a relationship with God is so beautiful and filled with so much grace and love. It is beyond anything like a relationship here on earth. If you haven't already, I encourage you to read Revelation 4 and 5 so you can picture coming into His presence and spending time with Him.

"So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace 
For I am yours and you are mine"
-Oceans by Hillsong United 

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