Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Duck Boys

Matthew & I didn't get to physically attend "The Gathering" this past weekend at McLane Stadium but we watched it on TV. We were joking around and I said, "Maybe Phil Robertson will show up." Matthew was like, "The duck boys are going to be there?" Of course I was just hoping in my little heart they would be, unfortunately they didn't make it. It was just really cute how he called them "The Duck Boys." Our family loves the Duck Dynasty tv show, but really we just love their family in general, and all their courage to make it known to the world that they love God and won't back down from that. Ever. 

I recently started reading Phil's book Happy Happy Happy, and let me tell you I can't seem to put it down. I've always love to hear and read the wisdom that comes from people who have lived in rougher and tougher times than I have. And I'm always striving to find ways to keep myself humble about our family. We're not abundantly successful in this world, but we are abundantly successful in faith, life, and love. My cup is overflowing right now as I write, we have hot water, bathtubs, food, beds, air conditioning, a roof over our heads, and good health, we are truly blessed. Now I'm not going to give it all away, but Phil talks about how he and his brothers would have to all get in one bed, and huddle together to keep warm during the winter nights. I've never had to do that in my life. Sometimes I just lose sight of how truly favored by God I really am. My mom, however, told me recently about a time that her and my dad had to ask for help to buy our Christmas presents one year. We had six kids altogether so I'm sure it was a huge task every year. The point is, we were too young to realize we were scraping the bottom of the barrel. If your family loves God and is happy happy happy, what else do you need in life?

Most 24 year old women don't pick up Duck Commander books and go read them for hours. I could listen to or read Phil's words all day. He is a very wise, intelligent man, as is his whole family. They are a wonderful inspiration our country needs. Some people only see the outside of a person and think they aren't worth anything to this world, and they'd be right. They aren't worth anything to the world, all the world does is stomp on you and tell you you'll never be good enough. However, you're worth all the streets made of gold in Heaven. While they were being made, God was thinking about you walking them with Him.

Don't let any person try to degrade or take away your worth, their words may sting but they don't mean anything in the end. This is all just temporary.

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."' -Hebrews 13:5 NIV

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