Tuesday, April 28, 2015

For As Long As I Have Breath

As I lay here next to my son as he's sleeping, I can't help but pray. I pray over him every night. I pray for his future, for his future wife, his future children, his heart and his mind as he grows. That The Lord will guide him all the days of his life.

And as all of the distorted things going on in our country right now ingulf our minds and dictate our conversations, I pray. I pray over all of it. It was when I was praying, that I first had the incredible experience of physically feeling The Holy Spirit in my heart. That's why I can say I'm 200% sure I become the most powerful in God when I'm praying. Sometimes I get lost in time when I pray, two hours could fly by and I'm still talking to God (1Thessalonians 5:17). God hears our prayers, He heals people, He does miracles through us and sometimes we don't even realize it or take the time to thank Him. Since I had Levi I've become so much more aware of God's presence around me. He is for me, He's not against me (Romans 8:31). I can feel Him constantly wanting to make me stronger in Him, wanting me to seek Him in everything I do throughout the day. In my opinion, what Satan fears most from us is prayer. It's like we almost become untouchable when we're praying to God. 

There are consequences for our actions, but when we pray we are opening up the door to God's mercy and grace over our lives. Honestly, I pray that God will have mercy on our country. We have turned so far away from where we started, we started out with a Christian foundation and now our eyes and ears are being closed to it.

I pray for all of our impressionable teens and youth that are getting sucked into worldly ways, because they are being told it's acceptable through the media. That's why I pray for my son, that his spiritual vision won't be blurred no matter what someone tries to seep into his mind. And I pray for me and Matthew. That we will be given the wisdom and knowledge to raise Levi up to know God. And know how to answer all his questions to the best of our ability. 

Right now I want to ask you to pray. Pray for our country, our leaders, our youth. Pray for Nepal. Baltimore. Strength to fight Isis. Start praying now for our upcoming election next year. For the young people sitting at their computers watching Bruce Jenner's interview and becoming confused. Becoming lukewarm.


"Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" -Psalms 116:2

With Love,

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