Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I reverted "The Salt Speaks for Itself" to not published, and let me tell you why...

When I post my articles on here or Facebook, I don't want anyone to think I do it out of hate or self righteousness. God knows my heart and He knows that's not my intention. The closer I become in my walk with Christ the more my views and my mind become transformed (Matthew 22:37). Sin is sin. Whether you've lied, murdered, cheated on your spouse, it's all the same. We are all human beings therefore we all sin every single day. No one is perfect whatsoever (Romans 3:23). 

I have committed awful sins and have done the most detestable things. Sometimes when I think back on the things I've done in the past, I get sick to my stomach thinking things like, "How can God still want me to be His bride?" He does though, because I practice repentance. I've been washed white as snow every single day when I wake up if I ask God for forgiveness. I know I'm not supposed to bring up things from the past seasons of my life, it's not of God for me to dwell on it (Isaiah 43:18). But no matter where your heart lies, there will always be people who want to test you and question your actions, and reject your way of life.

All I can do is say that I love you. I won't reject you. I won't treat you any differently from anyone else or avoid you like the plague. Just like I wouldn't want anyone to do that to me. But I won't change my words when I say I can't participate or include myself to be for abortion, homosexual marriage, or ever think that it is acceptable by God for me to be for these things. If there comes a time in my life when I slip up and do something I'm not supposed to in disobedience to God's Word, I pray that I will know I need forgiveness and to turn from it. There is nothing wrong with having a heart for all mankind, to love all mankind. Love for all people is from God because He loved us so much that He sent us a Savior. Love and acceptance, however, are two completely different things. 

I decided to write this because I don't want anybody to feel like I'm judging or excluding anyone from God. It is my mission and would be my greatest accomplishment in life to bring people to God. I want everyone to know you are welcome here if you're willing to try.

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