Monday, March 9, 2015

What I'm Going to Miss About Breastfeeding

Welcome to Mommy Monday!

I finally stopped nursing Levi 4 days ago and I've been pretty bummed out about it. He's now almost 14 months, so I guess it was time. I just wanted to share a few things I'm going to miss about breastfeeding, assuming Levi will be my only baby. We haven't fully decided on that yet. So here we go...

1. The Quiet Time - It was the few times out of the day where you're not hearing screaming or crying, it was just those moments of beautiful peace and quiet.

2. "The Mommy-Baby Bond" - Now I know this is going to sound somewhat selfish, but I know now that Levi will get older he will have a close connection with his Daddy, which is great. But in my mind he will no longer be Mommy's little baby... He'll be Daddy's big boy, and that kind of makes me tear up.

3. Pumping - I know some women will think this one is absolutely insane, but I honestly loved pumping. I had a great supply so there was just something very satisfying about pumping and freezing milk. It provided a safe net so if something were to ever happen to me, Levi would still get breastmilk. Also it's great for your skin and helps cure pink eye!;)

4. Security - Sometimes I would think Levi felt the safest when I would be nursing him, and often I feel like he won't have that feeling of total security anymore. Now he's going to have to endure different babysitters sometimes, and going to the nursery at church. It's hard for me as well, in my mind, as the mom to feel like Levi does (and will) feel safe without me around.

5. Being His Hero - In those moments of nursing, you tend to feel like there is no one else in the world that could make your baby feel as loved and warm as you. The way they smile up at you and know that YOU ARE MY MOMMY. And they love you more than anyone else on the planet in those few minutes. You are his life support, you are his hero...

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