Sunday, March 29, 2015

My Sweet Son

I decided to change my blog name because I feel that it's important for my readers and first time viewers to know, that among everything else I'll do in my life, the most important thing that I will ever do in my time spent on this earth is raise a king in my home. Its really been weighing on my heart more and more lately about what I do and say in our home because of my son. I want Levi to know that Mommy and Daddy love him, but there's One far greater than us who loves him so much more. I want to raise Levi up to be a Godly man so that he will be a king in Heaven. I know that I need to give my best at raising him so that I know that when God asks me when I get to Heaven, "Did you raise your children up to know about Me?" My answer will be, "Yes Lord." I have done a lot of bad in this world, but that's in the past. We all get an abundant amount of chances to redeem ourselves, and Levi is one of mine. My mom was (what it seems like to me) the best mom in the world. She filled my life with teaching me about forgiveness, kindheartedness, hospitality, and most of all love. If there is one person that I can absolutely say I know for sure I will see in Heaven with a beautiful crown of sparkling jewels, it would be my mom. I want Levi to be able to say these things about me one day too. Now I know it's going to seem kind of cheesy, but Levi's first Easter basket means a lot. It's not just a basket for hunting eggs. One day he'll know the true meaning of Easter Sunday and the man who died for him, and this basket with his name on it, to me, means that Jesus saw Levi's face when He died that day. It's symbolic I guess you could say. Maybe that makes me a weird mom. I love this little boy with all my heart, and there is no greater gift I could bless his life with than knowing about Jesus. And that's what I'm here for.

There's a story in the Bible of a woman named Hannah, and she prayed long and hard to have a baby, and spent hours in the temple crying to God to let her body bare a child. She promised the Lord that if He blessed her with the ability to have children she would give her first baby to the Lord after so many years with him. Her first baby, Samuel, grew up in the temple to be a priest. The story of Hannah is one of my favorites, she was such a brave woman. It takes a lot of courage and trust to hand over your child to someone you've never seen, but nevertheless, He was there the whole time. 

"In the future your children will ask you, 'What is the meaning of these laws, decrees, and regulations that the Lord our God has commanded us to obey?'" -Deuteronomy 6:20 NLT

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