Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mirror Mirror

I stopped nursing Levi on March the 5th, and I told myself I would start dieting after and I have. I've already lost 8 pounds, but I'm not going to post pictures until I'm done with this whole journey. I'm on a whole food diet, mainly fruits and vegetables and go to the gym 3 times a week. I want to show all those supplement-ers out there how you can still lose weight without all that craziness!;) I know we all get a lot of people that say they aren't losing weight to look more beautiful and they just want to be healthy, which is probably true to some extent. I'm not going to lie, I do want to be able to look good in a bikini this summer, however, I'm also doing this for another reason. God. 

Back in January, I did a small 5 day fast, where I just cut out caffeine and sweets for financial purposes. I'm not telling you this to boast, I just want all my Christian readers to have a reassurance that God is real, that's part of my mission. We are here to tell of His good works and lift each other up. So this is why I'm telling you afterward so you'll know God doesn't play. I really don't know why fasting was put on my heart but it was. We were struggling after Christmas time and we had started to tithe a few months before and I really felt God was telling me it was time to fast and our blessings would come. So I did. Sure enough, God blessed us with an abundance amount of money, and of course also gave to the church. We got all of our medical bills paid off. Keep in mind I still owed money from Levi's birth and my gallbladder removal surgery. All were paid. It was one of the most amazing things God has done for our family and I thanked Him over and over. I know that God is real because I've felt His presence in my heart, literally. Although, as humans we always tend to second guess things. We all need a little reassurance every now and then. God never fails in that area.

Lately I've been in a rut with my prayers and Bible reading, I do them but it feels so routinely. During a spiritual fast or diet it's important to learn to rely on God for help and comfort. That's what I did when I fasted. So I especially feel now is a good time to start again because it helps my mind to trust God, and ask Him for help when I struggle. Also to learn patience and self control. I have pretty good self control when I want it, but I need to work on my patience. I'm relying on God to guide me there. Some Christians think God is only good for specific areas of your life. We don't tend to think that He wants to help us diet or lose weight. We're wrong, He wants us to talk to Him about every aspect of our lives. No matter how unnecessary we may think it is.

I hope God gave you something great out of this post! :)

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