Monday, January 5, 2015

What Does Mommy Really Mean?

What does being a mom mean to you?:

Wow... I have never been asked this question at all since I became a mom, but boy have I felt it's impact. I think subconsciously as moms, we think about this question every day. Whether it be when baby needs a diaper change, to be nursed to sleep, or just to have Mommy hold him and kiss him when he falls. There's no room for selfishness, even if we wanted to make room. Your children will always come first, you will protect them no matter what. If they ask for something with sincerity, they will most likely get it. We feed them before we feed ourselves. We put a new outfit on them before we even get dressed (not to mention putting on any makeup). We change diapers first thing in the morning, while doing the pee dance because we have yet to go ourselves. We forget all about our problems, and who's trying to reach us by text or call. We are happy just laying in the floor, playing toys with our babies and seeing them light up with their scrunchy grins. There's no where else in the world we would rather be in that second.

It's a privilege and an honor for God to trust us with tiny souls. -My Mom

I am so honored that I'm baby Levi's mommy. My heart has grown enormously since I first laid eyes on him. My whole world changed yet it was finally complete. I truly believe that if we raise our children to love the Lord that it plants a seed that will always be there, even if they get older and want to investigate. That's my goal, that's part of our purpose as parents. Don't bring children to love things, you can't serve both God and money. Children are smarter than we think. They pick up on the things that their parents hold close to them, and they start to love those things as well whether we realize it or not. I am living proof of this theory. No matter what I got myself into, I never once wanted to run away from God. I have always longed to know Him. It's almost as if He was engraved on my soul. That's what I want for my Levi.

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." -(Proverbs 22:6 NIV)

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -(Matthew 6:21 NIV)

"Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." -(Matthew 19:14 NIV)


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