Sunday, January 11, 2015

What Christians Need to Know About 'That Guy'

So I wanted to share a little something that really touched my soul today at church:

I felt really spiritually moved when my Pastor told this heart wrenching story of a family who continually tried to get pregnant, but kept having miscarriages. The breath of life had been taken away from those babies. It's an experience I hold very dear to my heart. They finally got pregnant for the fourth time and this time the baby is thriving and growing beautifully. The point was, this pregnancy from the beginning felt different. Something was going to be different, and it was. 

2015 is going to be different. 
We can feel it.


I have had my fair share of being called a hypocrite and being judged because of my faith. It has been this way since the beginning. Even the Pharisees called Jesus out on numerous occasions. We are human beings, we will make mistakes. However, there's a difference in doing it on purpose just because you're saved and can be forgiven, and doing it out of anger or retaliation in the heat of the moment. You can't manipulate God's grace. He knows your heart. So in this new year I wanted to give some friendly, Christian comedic advice, in the nicest way possible, about who to watch out for to avoid getting mixed up in a confrontational situation. Because let's face it... Social media can be your worst enemy.
You are not obligated to debate or argue over anything you don't feel comfortable discussing. All we need to know, in light of anyone displaying ignorance, is that God loves us and to love and pray for your enemy. Turn the other cheek.

Before you keep reading, this can be a guy or girl, and this is meant for those who are blatantly trying to show disrespect because they know you're a Christian. This is not meant to be offensive... well, unless you're that guy... ;)
With that being said... Enjoy!

1. The guy who bashes Christianity through memes on social media.
2. The guy who rolls his eyes when you say, "Have a blessed day."

3. The guy who purposely says curse words in front of you to get a rise.

4. The guy who tells you inappropriate jokes to see how you'll react.

5. The guy who comes to tell you they don't believe in God to see what you'll say.

6. The guy who purposely shows you inappropriate pictures on his phone.

7. The guy who always tries to purposely hug you for too long.

8. The guy who says, "Praise Jesus" or "Hallelujah", sarcastically then gives you the side eye.

- So don't get crazy when we finally say, "I'll be praying for you!" :)


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