Monday, November 3, 2014

The Sweetest Thing

Welcome to Mommy Monday! I just want to take a second to thank all my readers, you guys have been incredible. I get text after text telling me that everyone loves this particular segment of my blog, and it makes me feel so amazing that everyone loves it! Thank you thank you!

I just want to remind everyone that my opinions and views are coming from a Christian perspective. Enjoy!

Matthew & I recently decided to purchase The Love Dare together. We didn't do this because we are lacking in the marriage area, we decided to do this as a challenge for us as husband and wife. We are only on day two so far, and I have to say Matthew seems to be excelling rather well for just two days in. He really knows how to hold me accountable and I'm not mad at him for that. If anything, I love that about him. It is giving him the chance to accept the role as a husband and lead our family, as it should be. Most couples might think this would be a way to change their spouse, I don't feel that way at all. I love who Matthew and I are together and I think this is a way for us to embrace our best qualities and minimize the bad. I feel like this was the best decision and purchase we've ever made, and again we are only on day two, so I'm very eager to see how much we have grown by day forty. 

However, what I really love most about doing this Love Dare is not only does it better your marriage, it also betters your children. 

My sister, Tosha, had some amazing insight for my post tonight and I couldn't have said it any better. She said, "The sweetest thing that you can do as a Mom for your children is to show them how much you love their Daddy, it makes them feel safe." 

I love showing affection to Matthew in front of Levi, I want him to know that we love each other and show him that's how it's supposed to be. Now not over the top crazy affection but our children need to see and understand the meaning of love and caring, and the meaning of family as a whole. Also to understand the dynamic of a family. The Dad should be the head and the Mom should be the heart. Your relationship with your husband should implement and mirror your relationship with Christ.

So many parents today make the mistake of not raising our children to be prepared for marriage. We have the mindset to raise our daughters to be independent and we have lost the initiative to raise our sons to become men. To step up to be able to care for themselves and take care of their future family, and learn to cope with criticism. We are raising our boys with no coping skills, we buy video games and iPads instead of Bibles. We are raising boys who take cover instead of being the one to learn to make the cover. Our daughters know more about taking care of themselves than about learning to nurture a future family.

Matthew & I can't help but feel privileged to have grown together in such a short amount time. We have ultimately been together for 3 1/2 years, and married for 1 1/2. We continue to strive to grow together and not apart, we are so lucky to have realized how great our love for each other is and for our family all together. I love him and our family more than any earthly thing, and I know we will see our marriage through to the end. We have realized just how important it really is to take these necessary steps to better our marriage, because it is not just the two of us that will suffer, our children will suffer immensely as well.

So I urge you to take all precautions now. Don't wait until your marriage or your family is at stake, do it now.

"But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord." -Joshua 24:15 NLT


  1. I agree children need to see their parents showing each other love it learns them how it should be. What a great post xox
