As I was sitting down tonight to open my Bible and eat my little kitkat bar, after putting Levi to bed, I smiled to myself thinking about how much I love my beautiful baby. I can't get enough of him. Everything about him is precious, and pure and so innocent. And yet, throughout the day I continually find myself slipping away from him to do laundry, check social media, do dishes and sweep. It makes me feel so awful at the end of the day to think about all the moments that I let pass by, where I could've been setting all of that aside and making him laugh instead. Oh my goodness, his laugh... It consumes my heart.
I know we all go through these mommy moments when we feel like we aren't enough for our children, or we don't do enough for our family sometimes. And especially giving God the time that He deserves from us. I've been feeling that a lot lately. Hence the reason why I've left the blog untouched. I'm definitely not one of those major multitasking moms that miraculously finds an immense amount of time to accomplish every goal in 24 hours with three kids and a job. Not me. Stay-at-home mom, one baby, and my day flies by in what seems like 10 minutes... Aside from all of that, the best part of my day is when I rock baby Levi to sleep. It's that one on one time, just me and him, singing songs that he hums along to with his sweet smile and cute baby voice. He is my angel. In those moments, it makes me feel a little better that I'm getting time to really love on him. I imagine that's how God feels on Sunday mornings, when He sees us praying and singing along, worshipping Him. Finally getting time to love on us from the crazy week, and He deserves way more than that. Our children also deserve more from us.
But there's something I read on a fellow mommy bloggers site, where she had a chalk board frame that she wrote in and it said, "Choose Them." She has it above the sink, where to be honest, we mommy's spend a lot of our time. So she can look up and remember that each moment is precious and to put down the dishes and Choose Your Children instead.
There's so much going on in the world today, so much violence and hate. It's so hard to think that our babies will one day be living in it too. As parents, we have the power and ability to choose our children, to teach them, guide them, and show them unconditional love. In the world today, it is absolutely crucial to make sure that our children know Jesus and His love for us. It is crucial that our children know how much we love them as well. Love them enough to throw the clothes in the basket and just go play legos. We have the ability to not only go out and make disciples of all nations, but to make disciples starting in our own home. Trust me, I am talking to myself as well. I just never want Levi to be in a situation where he will look at me with defeated eyes and say, "Where were you when I needed you?" I am not only his earthly mom, I am his sister in Christ. I was created to serve Jesus by serving him as well as everyone else.
We also need to have the knowledge and therefore ability to explain the difference between friendship and fellowship to our children about who they choose to become close to in life as well. Of all the scriptures about Jesus eating and drinking with sinners, yes of course they are all true, but there wasn't a person who fellowshipped with Jesus that left unchanged. Even Judas Iscariot, one who seemed to be untouched by Jesus's teachings, in the end, he knew what he had done was very wrong, and ended up hanging himself.
We also need to have the knowledge and therefore ability to explain the difference between friendship and fellowship to our children about who they choose to become close to in life as well. Of all the scriptures about Jesus eating and drinking with sinners, yes of course they are all true, but there wasn't a person who fellowshipped with Jesus that left unchanged. Even Judas Iscariot, one who seemed to be untouched by Jesus's teachings, in the end, he knew what he had done was very wrong, and ended up hanging himself.
The one person that I absolutely know is such a role model for this post is, of course, my mom. She's the real-life super woman. All of us girls are beautiful Christian women, and how she did it is a mystery to me. Actually that's a lie, I know how she did it. She's a prayer warrior. She has probably said millions and millions of prayers for all of us kids. She's been the best teacher I've ever had, which means she's been one of the best disciples of Christ. I want Levi to be able to say that about me too.
Choose Them, Disciple Them, and love them with all your heart. Because bringing your own children to Christ is the best kind of witnessing you will ever do.
"But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."' -Luke 18:16
With Love,
Victoria V.
"But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."' -Luke 18:16
With Love,
Victoria V.
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