Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Amidst the Gunfire

We don't always comprehend the amount of courage and guts it takes to put on that uniform and vest, and the strong arm that holsters your gun everyday. We don't realize that unknowingly because you defend your city you become a target for revenge. The drops of sweat that roll down your face when your adrenaline pumped body thinks to reach for your gun. The prayers your racing mind is quickly trying to get to God to protect your life amidst the gunfire. "God, please don't let me get shot." "Let me make the right call." "Please protect me from harm, and let me walk away today." "God let me get home to my family tonight."

The few short minutes feel like a lifetime. When it's over and your pounding heart starts to slow and a sense of relief comes across your body, to think there are still more people concerned about vengeance, than your wife and children who would be without the bravest man they know. Two handsome little boys are tucked in bed praying for you tonight, praying for their daddy to walk back through the door untouched by the bullets of hatred. 

Not only do you carry a gun and a badge everyday, you carry your whole city's sense of safety on your shoulders. You carry the promise to your wife to be safe, and the promise to your children to come home. Above all, you carry with you the gruesome and tragic scenes that will forever be burned into your mind. Sometimes we forget. We forget how much weight you carry with you, and how strong you have to be, physically and mentally. But today we were reminded, because we saw you and we felt the ground shake beneath our feet from your fierce defense. You are a brother/sister, a husband/wife, a daddy/mommy, a son/daughter, a friend, a warrior and a Peacemaker. An Officer of the Law. You might have a target on your back, but just know that only means someone fears you're stronger than they are. And just like God gave all the surrounding towns into Israel's hands long ago, so did He do that today when all of our men got to walk away unharmed. We pray God will continue to be with all of you and protect you from danger. We pray He will continue to strengthen you with reviving energy and an alert mind to be on guard. Your amazing strength to respond and protect us is greatly and truly appreciated. We love and thank all of you. Every one of you and your families are in our prayers.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." -Matthew 5:9

Dedicated to: Our local PD, DPS and SWAT and all of the first responders and teams that helped in assisting our men.

And to my Dad and brothers who also currently serve - I truly admire your passion for this line of work that you have so faithfully served all these years. You will all always be my Hero.

With Love,

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