Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Concept of Marriage

Since I was already on the subject of marriage with my previous post, I'd like to go a step further...

I'm just going to be really blunt and honest about my opinion and jump right into this, so brace yourselves. By the way, nobody is making you read this.

Marriage is not something to toy with or take for granted. It is sacred and Holy. I absolutely cannot explain my fury when I read or hear about someone being married for 6 months to a year and then getting a divorce. ESPECIALLY if you knew that person for longer then a year before you got married. Now don't get me wrong, life happens and maybe just MAYBE they weren't who you thought they were after all that time, and of course if your spouse cheats. However, if you already knew who that person was and their ways of life, shame on you.

I'm going to tell you a little something about mine and Matt's marriage. Matthew has always had problems showing his emotions, he always wears a poker face. Now I already knew about this for 2 years before we got married and we agreed it was something to work on, but did I ever expect to change Matthew? No. It's who he is, he grew up like that. Did I expect him to warm up? Yes, and he has, especially now that we have Levi. It is something I agreed to live with when I said my vows. I agreed to live with every part of Matthew through thick and thin for the rest of my life. Now if Matthew was running around on me and going to bars and drinking every weekend without me when we were dating and throwing his money away, and I STILL married him, shame on me. I mean seriously. Ladies, you know better. You know how to read between the lines. It really all comes down to how much respect you have for yourself.

Another thing is, NEVER let your man tell you it's okay to bring a third party into your relationship or marriage. It's not okay. And it never will be. When you said your vows, you were only talking to one person. You can try to convince yourself that it's still a marriage after that, but the truth is it's not. He is no longer married to you. He is married to the idea of you and still getting to do whatever he wants.

There are very few couples who go through all of this and decide they need help, and want to change for the better and end up coming out on top together. My bottom line is, if you know you or your significant other is not ready for marriage, don't get married. It's that simple. Don't let yourselves tarnish the meaning of marriage. 

Keep it a Holy matrimony.

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